POPL'24 Tutorial: String Solving for Verification

Strings are a fundamental data type in programming languages. In fact, they are heavily used in programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP, a fact that has led to subtle programming bugs and security vulnerabilities. For this reason, string analysis plays an increasingly more important role in the development of correct and secure software.

This tutorial at POPL'24 aims at presenting a comprehensive, accessible and hands-on overview of the state-of-the-art of string solving for verification. This includes theoretical underpinnings, implementation techniques, and applications (specifically, to program analysis). It also includes hands-on experimentation with the string solver OSTRICH developed by us.

OSTRICH Web Interface (separate window)

OSTRICH is an SMT solver for string constraints. Constraints for OSTRICH can be written using a superset of a subset of the SMT-LIB string theory. For more details, see the OSTRICH github page.

Load a predefined example:

Send given input to OSTRICH
Save input on the server and make it available through a private link
Enable incremental SMT-LIB processing
Output models/ countermodels
Use Parikh images as a heuristic to detect unsatisfiability of equations

OSTRICH back-end to apply to this problem
Direction of constraint propagation to apply (only for standard back-end)