



package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CountIt extends Iterator[Int]

    Simple iterator that enumerates the natural numbers, starting with 0

  2. class Dijkstra[Node] extends AnyRef

    An implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm for computing shortest paths to all reachable nodes in a graph.

  3. class FastImmutableMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    A double-backed map class that initially stores its elements in a scala.collection.immutable.Map, but copies all data to a scala.collection.mutable.HashMap when many accesses are taking place (since the mutable map enables faster access than the immutable map).

  4. class FilterIt[T] extends Iterator[T]

    An own class for filtering the elements that are returned by an iterator, because the method Iterator.filter is so broken

  5. abstract class IdealRange extends Seq[IdealInt]

    Extremely simple class for iterating over intervals of integers

    Extremely simple class for iterating over intervals of integers

    TODO: this should be removed

  6. class IntervalIdealRange extends IdealRange
  7. class IntervalPlainRange extends PlainRange
  8. class LRUCache[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Naive implementation of a thread-safe LRU cache.

  9. class LazyIndexedSeqConcat[A] extends IndexedSeq[A]
  10. class LazyIndexedSeqSlice[A] extends IndexedSeq[A]
  11. class LazyMappedMap[A, B, C, D] extends Map[C, D]

    Transform a Map m by composing it with two functions into a map valueMapping . m . keyUnmapping.

    Transform a Map m by composing it with two functions into a map valueMapping . m . keyUnmapping. keyMapping has to be the inverse of keyUnmapping, and has to be injective

  12. class LazyMappedSet[A, B] extends Set[B]

    Transform a set by applying a given injective function to all of its arguments.

  13. class POGraph[A] extends AnyRef

    A class to explicitly represent partial orders.

    A class to explicitly represent partial orders. This is used in various contexts to speed up implication checks.

  14. trait PeekIterator[+T] extends Iterator[T]

    Extension of the iterator trait where the next element can be peeked without popping it

  15. class PeekIteratorTrafo[T] extends PeekIterator[T]
  16. abstract class PlainRange extends Seq[Int]

    Extremely simple class for iterating over intervals of integers

    Extremely simple class for iterating over intervals of integers

    TODO: this should be removed

  17. class PredicatedIdealRange extends IntervalIdealRange
  18. class PredicatedPlainRange extends IntervalPlainRange
  19. class PriorityQueueWithIterators[A] extends PeekIterator[A]

    Priority queue that can handle both single elements and pre-sorted sequences (iterators) of elements

  20. class Tarjan[Node] extends AnyRef

    An implementation of Tarjan's algorithm for computing the strongly connected components of a graph.

  21. case class Timeout(unfinishedResult: Any) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Object that is thrown in case of a timeout (or the user stopped the proof search)

  22. class UnionMap[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

    A (lazy) Map that represents the union of two Maps with disjoint key domains

  23. class UnionSet[A] extends Set[A]

    A (lazy) Set that represents the union of two (not necessarily disjoint) Sets

Value Members

  1. object CmdlParser
  2. object Combinatorics
  3. object Debug

    A collect of methods for writing runtime assertions and inserting debugging information.

    A collect of methods for writing runtime assertions and inserting debugging information. In particular, here the different categories and types of assertions are defined and can be switched on and off.

  4. object Dijkstra
  5. object FastImmutableMap
  6. object FilterIt
  7. object IdealRange
  8. object LazyIndexedSeqConcat
  9. object LazyMappedMap
  10. object LazyMappedSet
  11. object Logic
  12. object OpCounters

    Object to implement different kinds of performance counters.

    Object to implement different kinds of performance counters. Such counters are handled in a thread-local way.

  13. object POGraph
  14. object PeekIterator
  15. object PlainRange
  16. object RuntimeStatistics

    Object to keep track of some prover statistics, such as the number of problems loaded and the amount of time spent constructing proofs.

    Object to keep track of some prover statistics, such as the number of problems loaded and the amount of time spent constructing proofs. This class is only used from the ParallelFileProver.

  17. object Seqs
  18. object Tarjan
  19. object Timeout extends Serializable
  20. object Timer

    Object for measuring the time needed by the various tasks, methods, etc.

    Object for measuring the time needed by the various tasks, methods, etc. The object, in particular, supports nested operations that call each other and correctly measures the time spent in each of the operations.

    The current implementation of the timer is not thread-safe; if we detect that the class is used from multiple threads we disable time measurements altogether. Calls are still counted.

  21. object UnionMap
  22. object UnionSet
  23. object Warmup

    Class to run some standard proof-tasks, with the goal of making sure that all the relevant classes have been loaded into the JVM, and JIT compilation has been started.
