package arithconj
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class ArithConj extends Formula with SortedWithOrder[ArithConj]
The class for a conjunction of equations, negated equations and inequalities
- case class ElimPredModelElement(_preds: Set[Predicate]) extends ModelElement with Product with Serializable
Class for storing information about eliminated predicates, without giving a precise description how their value can be reconstructed.
Class for storing information about eliminated predicates, without giving a precise description how their value can be reconstructed. This is currently used for "abbreviations", which are eliminated from proof branches when it becomes clear that they will never be expanded.
- case class EqModelElement(eqs: EquationConj, _cs: Set[ConstantTerm]) extends ModelElement with Product with Serializable
Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants) of
, for certain special cases.Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants) of
, for certain special cases. This class is used inEliminateFactsTask
- case class EquivModelElement(booleanAssignments: Seq[(Atom, Conjunction)]) extends ModelElement with Product with Serializable
Class for creating models that assign truth values to Boolean variables.
- case class InNegEqModelElement(ac: ArithConj, _cs: Set[ConstantTerm]) extends ModelElement with Product with Serializable
Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants) of
, for certain special cases.Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants) of
, for certain special cases. This class is used inEliminateFactsTask
- sealed abstract class ModelElement extends AnyRef
Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants, and boolean variables to truth values) of
, for certain special cases.Class for creating models (assignments of integer literals to constants, and boolean variables to truth values) of
, for certain special cases. This class is used inEliminateFactsTask
- case class ReducableModelElement(f: Conjunction, _cs: Set[ConstantTerm], reducerSettings: ReducerSettings) extends ModelElement with Product with Serializable
Class for creating models based on formulas from which a reducer is able to extract an assignment.
- class ReduceWithAC extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object ArithConj
- object InNegEqModelElement extends Serializable
- object ModelElement
- object ReduceWithAC