Extract constructor terms from a model.
Extract constructor terms from a model. Such terms will always be
encoded as integers, and integers can have different meaning
depending on the considered sort. Each sort can add the terms
representing a model to the assignment
map. Alternatively, a sort can add indexes to the
set to indicate a particular index is
defined by a model, but the corresponding constructor term is not
available yet because it refers to other terms that are not yet
The cardinality of sorts with fixed-size, finite domain.
Terms representing elements of the sort.
Constraints defining the range of the sort.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.all((a, b, c, d, e) => phi(a, b, c, d, e))
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.all((a, b, c, d) => phi(a, b, c, d))
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.all((a, b, c) => phi(a, b, c))
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as Sort.all((a, b) => phi(a, b))
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for universal quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as Sort.all(a => phi(a))
Add an existential quantifier for the variable with de Bruijn index 0, together with a guard representing this sort.
Extract a term representation of some value in the sort.
The variable with given de Bruijn index and this
The variable with given de Bruijn index and this
Extract a term representation of some value in the sort.
Extract a term representation of some value in the sort. This method can be overwritten in sub-classes to decode in a sort-specific way
Higher-order syntax for epsilon-expressions.
Higher-order syntax for epsilon-expressions. This makes it possible
to write things like Sort.eps(a => phi(a))
Generate an epsilon-expression.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.ex((a, b, c, d, e) => phi(a, b, c, d, e))
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.ex((a, b, c, d) => phi(a, b, c, d))
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as
Sort.ex((a, b, c) => phi(a, b, c))
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as Sort.ex((a, b) => phi(a, b))
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers.
Higher-order syntax for existential quantifiers. This makes it possible
to write a quantifier as Sort.ex(a => phi(a))
Add an existential quantifier for the variable with de Bruijn index 0, together with a guard representing this sort.
Allocation of a new constant with this
Allocation of a new constant with this
A witness term proving that the sort is inhabited.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
Trait representing sorts of individuals in the logic.